Sports & eSports


VR offers players a new way to enjoy sports - virtual participation! While real sports take time to prepare, train, travel to, gear-up etc. - in the Pod, you simply step inside and you’re ready to go! Whether you’re an expert athlete or a novice, it’s a level playing field! Locations can be real-world or fantasy!


  • Skiing down one of the trickiest slopes in the freshest, cool powder, in the perfect skiing conditions. It’s just you and the wildlife out there!

  • Golfing on the moon!

  • Feeling that satisfying ‘clunk’ in your hands as you hit a home-run in your favorite baseball ball-park

  • Gliding through the air, feeling the cool wind in your face

  • Kicking the winning touchdown in a critical moment of the big football game

  • The thrill of base jumping from some of the tallest structures on the planet

  • Mastering a futuristic hoverboard and speeding around your city

  • Maybe you prefer snowboarding, or surfing, or hang-gliding, or biking. Whatever the sport, however extreme (or not!), we can create an exciting, safe simulation of it

Just like in the real-world, in the Pod, it’s all about how you use your body movement for control. Unlike the real-world, if things go wrong, you simply re-start and try again. Because in the Pod, we can design these experiences to be learnable — you can get better at them over time. We can build skill levels to reflect your specific abilities. But no matter what your level, it will always be enjoyable and safe.

We can also network Pods together, so that you can experience sports with other people. As such, you can have competitions and tournaments. We can also design the sports to be collaborative, so you can work as a team.

Spark XR